
Pengumuman Hari Raya Idul Fitri 2020
Dengan ini diberitahukan bahwa Kantor Pusat Heidelberg Indonesia dan Cabang akan libur pada tanggal 21-25 Mei 2020.
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Heidelberg Asia Newsletter issue 3:
How and when the anti Covid-19 measures will be eased is currently one of the hottest topics. While the discussion is on many printers are trying to figure out what the future will bring.
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Versafire: Frequently Asked Questions in the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID 19 crisis has probably affected your business and forced you to reduce or stop your production on your Versafire/Linoprint machine. Please read through this FAQ List to help you get back in production in no time.
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Menghadapi Krisis Covid-19 bersama Heidelberg Indonesia
Pertama-tama kami berharap Anda sekeluarga dan keluarga besar percetakan selalu berada dalam keadaan sehat dan aman.
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HEIDELBERG Indonesia. Hubungi kami.
Hubungi Heidelberg Indonesia.

Kami menantikan pesan Anda. Agar kami dapat merespon permintaan Anda dengan cepat, kami membutuhkan beberapa informasi.

*Kolom ini wajib diisi.