Heidelberg Asia Newsletter Issue 1:


I hope you, your loved ones and your staff are well in these extraordinary times.

Like many other international events drupa has been postponed by almost one year. For many in our industry this is a disappointment on one hand but also a relief on the other hand as safety must come first and it is unlikely that the Covid-19 pandemic is over by June. But drupa is not an event the exhibitors prepare for overnight and thus all innovations we wanted to present in Duesseldorf are ready to be launched into the market. And of course we’d like to share with you what’s new. In a series of bi-weekly newsletters we present our latest products fresh from the R&D Center. In this first edition under the headline Printshop Management Mr. Douglas Mooney, the Heidelberg Sheetfed specialist in the Asia-Pacific region, speaks about bringing Push-to-Stop to the next level.

At Heidelberg we know that most printers are currently handling challenges nobody could have imagined still a few weeks ago. The Covid-19 crisis brought unknown hurdles overnight and there was very little time to prepare for keeping operations going. But we are all sitting in the same boat and even as we scaled back the office functions, we understood that many of you need a reliable source for consumables, parts and service. Rest assured that we will do the utmost to cater to your needs. Please don’t hesitate to contact us. You find all service and hotline phone numbers at the end of this letter. Please stay safe and healthy.

Yours sincerely
Thomas Frank
MD, Heidelberg Asia Pacific

Read newsletter - Click here

Heidelberg Asia Newsletter Issue 1:


I hope you, your loved ones and your staff are well in these extraordinary times.

Like many other international events drupa has been postponed by almost one year. For many in our industry this is a disappointment on one hand but also a relief on the other hand as safety must come first and it is unlikely that the Covid-19 pandemic is over by June. But drupa is not an event the exhibitors prepare for overnight and thus all innovations we wanted to present in Duesseldorf are ready to be launched into the market. And of course we’d like to share with you what’s new. In a series of bi-weekly newsletters we present our latest products fresh from the R&D Center. In this first edition under the headline Printshop Management Mr. Douglas Mooney, the Heidelberg Sheetfed specialist in the Asia-Pacific region, speaks about bringing Push-to-Stop to the next level.

At Heidelberg we know that most printers are currently handling challenges nobody could have imagined still a few weeks ago. The Covid-19 crisis brought unknown hurdles overnight and there was very little time to prepare for keeping operations going. But we are all sitting in the same boat and even as we scaled back the office functions, we understood that many of you need a reliable source for consumables, parts and service. Rest assured that we will do the utmost to cater to your needs. Please don’t hesitate to contact us. You find all service and hotline phone numbers at the end of this letter. Please stay safe and healthy.

Yours sincerely
Thomas Frank
MD, Heidelberg Asia Pacific

Read newsletter - Click here

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