Heidelberg Asia Newsletter issue 4:


Dear Reader,

Over the past weeks we heard many times that we are on the way into a ‘new normal’ which will determine our lives after the Covid-19 crisis, with both social and commercial consequences. Still it is pretty much unclear what the new normal will be but sitting and waiting until we can see the full picture is not an option. Our customers expect us to deliver the right thing any time. We won’t be asked to deliver according to the ‘old’ normal but must be on our toes to be able to supply products and services which suit the ‘new’ normal.

So, at Heidelberg we started to work on our plan B. Since mid of March we turned many stones around and started looking on a few things differently. We will be smaller but more present. We won’t be everything for everybody but more focused on helping to build the smart print shop. We must keep a vigilant eye on the industry’s pulse and be faster in offering the right solutions. This implies having tools at hand for proper data capturing and right handling of market information. After all this crisis will accelerate the pace of innovation.

And we feel this is also an important topic for many printers. Digital tools for keeping track of production data, optimal ganging of jobs or calculating job costs are just examples for elements in the digital toolbox a printer needs for being fast in decision making and flexible in production. In the following Brian Kow, our workflow expert at Heidelberg Asia-Pacific, introduces two such elements of the digital toolbox Heidelberg offers.

Yours sincerely
Thomas Frank
MD, Heidelberg Asia Pacific

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Heidelberg Asia Newsletter issue 4:


Dear Reader,

Over the past weeks we heard many times that we are on the way into a ‘new normal’ which will determine our lives after the Covid-19 crisis, with both social and commercial consequences. Still it is pretty much unclear what the new normal will be but sitting and waiting until we can see the full picture is not an option. Our customers expect us to deliver the right thing any time. We won’t be asked to deliver according to the ‘old’ normal but must be on our toes to be able to supply products and services which suit the ‘new’ normal.

So, at Heidelberg we started to work on our plan B. Since mid of March we turned many stones around and started looking on a few things differently. We will be smaller but more present. We won’t be everything for everybody but more focused on helping to build the smart print shop. We must keep a vigilant eye on the industry’s pulse and be faster in offering the right solutions. This implies having tools at hand for proper data capturing and right handling of market information. After all this crisis will accelerate the pace of innovation.

And we feel this is also an important topic for many printers. Digital tools for keeping track of production data, optimal ganging of jobs or calculating job costs are just examples for elements in the digital toolbox a printer needs for being fast in decision making and flexible in production. In the following Brian Kow, our workflow expert at Heidelberg Asia-Pacific, introduces two such elements of the digital toolbox Heidelberg offers.

Yours sincerely
Thomas Frank
MD, Heidelberg Asia Pacific

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