BCQ Print.

British customer BCQ Print spends over EUR 2 million to meet the most stringent speed and colour demands. The new machines Speedmaster XL 75-5+L and Speedmaster XL 75-4-P+L allow production of fast flexible solutions. This enables customer to say yes to the most demanding jobs. The Spectrophotometric Inline Measuring System Prinect Inpress Control Saves time and reduces waste.

As a company that thrives on being asked to produce top quality results to tight deadlines, BCQ Print needs to have a press portfolio that can produce flexible solutions fast. It is for this reason that the Buckingham based company has elected to order two top of the range B2 presses from Heidelberg, an investment totalling more than EUR 2 million. A Speedmaster XL 75-5+L, a five-colour and coater, will be delivered this autumn followed closely by a Speedmaster XL 75-4-P+L, a four-colour perfector with coater.

BCQ attributes 40% of its around EUR 11 million print sales to commercial clients, 40% to print management companies and 20% to the agency market. These are customers who demand top quality to ISO 12647-2 standards and very fast turnround. The company holds ISO 12647-2 certification along with a stack of other accreditations including ISO 9001, 14001, 18001, 27001 and FSC Chain of Custody.

"Inpress Control spectral measurement on these presses mean, our customers can rest assured that the work we produce is within the tightest colour parameters at all times. Our client base includes the automotive sector, a business that is notoriously strict about colour match. When you watch TV you don't want a variation in quality - so why should you have it in print? The tools are there to monitor colour but also to alter the register and inking on the run. That is what we are getting with Inpress Control. It will enable us to save time and reduce waste, so environmentally and financially we and our customers may benefit from this investment. This press investment isn't about building sales but about enabling us to be competitive, profitable and flexible in terms of the range of work we handle and the turnround times we offer," says Tyrone Spence, joint managing director of BCQ with Richard Knowles.

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