DE – G+D Grafik und Druck.

Speedmaster XL 75-10-P+L. Long-standing Heidelberg customer on course for success with its third long perfecting press in succession.

Enhancing competitiveness in the long term by moving into industrial production.

“Since making the switch from straight presses to long perfecting presses, we now have the third long perfecting press from Heidelberg in succession,” reports Helmut Wünderlich, Managing Director of G+D Grafik und Druck, proudly. Mr. Wünderlich enjoys a long-standing loyal partnership with Heidelberg, and the success proves his decision right. Because the requirement for Heidelberg is to deliver tangible added value with each new investment, like clear competitive advantages in the form of increased productivity and quality.

The most impressive feature of the current Speedmaster XL 75 ten-color press with perfecting device and coating unit is its Push to Stop philosophy. This enables a fully automatic job change, from the the last to the first good sheet, right up to the start of production. “We can prepare and release multiple follow-up jobs while production is still underway,” says Production Manager Tim Russmann, adding: “The operator can take care of other tasks around the press, safe in the knowledge that the Speedmaster is producing the run and Prinect Inpress Control is monitoring it. Even the next job change starts automatically right through to starting the run.” The operators also find the current way of working much more pleasant; they experience less stress and have a much better overview of active and queued jobs. “If the production schedule changes, the jobs can be rescheduled without too much effort or completely new jobs can be arranged in the desired sequence,” reports Wünderlich. “In our company, everything is planned down to the last detail. All our printers only have to supervise the plates and the material, because all the production data is entered in the workflow,” says Wünderlich in closing about the company’s successful move into industrial print production.

G+D Grafik und Druck, Germany

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