Gráfica ANS.

Speedmaster XL 75 8-P and Speedmaster SM 52-4. Unbeatable makeready times of 10 to 15 minutes for standard jobs and 20 to 30 minutes for highly complex ones.

The best option for today’s needs

Anderson Nunes dos Santos, owner of Gráfica ANS, is impressed with the productivity of the new Speedmaster presses. “We operate at an average production speed of 13,000 sheets per hour and our jobs are normally delivered within two days, including finishing and cutting,” he says. With around 40 job changes a day, short makeready times are essential for high productivity. “At 10 to 15 minutes for standard jobs and 20 to 30 minutes for highly complex ones, we boast unbeatable makeready times, too,” he adds confidently.

Gráfica ANS was founded in Porto Alegre, in the southern part of Brazil, in 1996. Originally a lithographic company, it also started offering printing services in 2001. The commercial print shop has kept growing ever since, investing in a Speedmaster XL 75 in 2012 and a Speedmaster SM 52 in 2013. Some 70 staff now work at the company in three shifts. The portfolio ranges from prepress and press to a wide range of postpress options. This makes Gráfica ANS an attractive option for all kinds of customers, including small businesses that are looking for a fast and inexpensive printing service and large companies that see the reliable logistics and high quality as vital.

“Our Speedmaster presses are the best machines for fast, high-quality print production. Even with challenging jobs, there are never any problems – and we even get fellow industry professionals coming to us, because they don’t have the kind of equipment we do!” continues Anderson, who knows his investment decision has paid off. “Thanks to these robust and reliable presses, we can readily take on any technical challenge and ensure minimal production times,” he concludes.

Gráfica ANS, BR

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