CZ – Triangl a.s.

Speedmaster XL 106-8-P and Speedmaster CX 102-5+L. Productivity on demand – over 90 million printed sheets on the Speedmaster XL 106-8-P and over 70 million printed sheets on the Speedmaster CX 102-5+L per year are expected.

Productivity world champions.

“The Speedmaster machines come closest to our requirements for fast and effective industrial print production. It was important to us to invest in a press that could reliably process a wide range of different substrates in different formats, and do so at top speed and in high quality. The makeready times had to be short, and it had to be able to handle maximum workloads while needing minimal servicing and spare parts. Our Speedmaster XL 106-8 P produced over 172 million printed sheets from start of 2015 to spring 2017, including eight million sheets in March of this year alone. The other machines also neatly fit into this record-breaking series: our new Speedmaster CX 102-5+ yet again exceeds all expectations with a productivity increase of over 70 percent If we extrapolate this ratio, we can expect well over 70 million printed sheets per year”, explains Petr Kotýnek, Managing Director of Triangl. “Our experience to date with German manufacturers has been only positive. In our opinion, however, Heidelberg is the only company with the solutions to satisfy the market’s need for fast and effective production”, continues Petr Kotýnek.

Triangl a.s., Czech Republic

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