Kromer Print AG.

Speedmaster XL 105-5+L. Award-winning Swiss print shop Kromer Print AG uses a high-performance printing system to maximize efficiency and boost net performance.

From 0 to 18,000 in under 15 minutes!

“The Speedmaster XL 105 is really fun to work with. Depending on the paper, printing form, and run, we can produce 16,000 to 18,000 sheets per hour on average. And from the last sheet of one job to the start of production of the next one we need less than 15 minutes, depending on the run size. With short runs of 300 sheets and less, that brings real efficiency.” That’s the conclusion of print engineer Steffen Rüther from Kromer Print AG.

No wonder then that this Swiss print company based in Lenzburg received the GC Management Award for outstanding efficiency in 2012. In winning this award, Kromer Print AG faced strong international competition from companies in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. A consistently stable press was the key to success – a requirement that the Speedmaster XL 105 fulfills with ease. This press has boosted productivity over previous presses by a further 30 to 40 percent. “The increased performance is naturally based on the fantastic mechanical engineering and operating concept, which gives us the very highest level of automation,” says print team leader Andy Fuchs.

Kromer Print AG has already topped the 140 million mark with its Speedmaster XL 105-5+L. It produces in 4 shifts from 10 p.m. on Sunday to Saturday afternoon, and also uses a Speedmaster SM 52-4 round the clock five days a week and a two-color Printmaster in two or three shift operation.

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