Graphic Packaging.

Speedmaster XL 106-6+L UV. An investment in even higher capacity, quality, and performance levels opens the way for further growth in the challenging food packaging market.

A quantum leap to world-class performance

„Our first Speedmaster XL 105 already marked a quantum leap in terms of performance, improving our quality, setup times, and operating speed. And now that we’re getting another Speedmaster, the XL 106, we’re expecting our performance levels to rise even higher. This additional capacity will enable us to further boost our growth,“ says Managing Director Mark Kerridge, explaining the possibilities opened up by the new Speedmaster that is replacing a competitor’s press. Thanks to shorter job changeover times, the net productivity gain of this latest machine is 2,000 sheets per hour.

Graphic Packaging is based in the county of Leicestershire and is one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of food packaging. Its new Speedmaster XL 106 is equipped with six printing units and a coating unit and supports low-migration UV inks. Since day one, the press has benefitted from alcohol-free printing, which is entirely in keeping with the company’s environmental policy.

The configuration of the Speedmaster XL 106 gives Graphic Packaging the flexibility to respond quickly and effectively to the highly dynamic packaging market. The ability to produce any job on any press now enables the printed folding carton manufacturer to achieve an output of over 1250 individual jobs per month. Kerridge sums up the Speedmaster investment as follows; “It enables us to offer our customers world-class performance along with ever better quality and service at competitive prices.”

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