Druckerei Ebikon AG.

Druckerei Ebikon AG is looking to make big strides by replacing a four-color A3 press. The focus is on rapid drying, optimum print results, productivity, and the environment. Heidelberg launched its LE UV technology at exactly the right time.

As owners Beat Knapp and Beat Koch explain, "Heidelberg also sets the standard in the A3 format, so we took no time at all deciding in favor of the Speedmaster SX 52 in a five-color configuration." This will be the first LE UV press in central Switzerland when it starts production in October. LE UV offers many benefits. "Fast order processing thanks to direct transfer to postpress without the need for coating is particularly significant for quality and cost-efficiency with uncoated papers. We can extend our portfolio to plastics and other non-absorbent materials, and also offer our customers surface finishing with special-effect coatings," says Knapp. He adds that the virtual elimination of powder enables personalization without depowdering and that customers can process letterheads with full-area printing with ease on their toner printing system. Knapp isn't worried about the higher ink and coating costs. He explains that consumables are not a major cost factor in the A3 format and zero waiting times for work-and-turn and postpress will compensate for the extra costs. "A large number of suppliers will soon be offering LE UV consumables, so it's only a matter of time before the prices adjust accordingly," Knapp insists.

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