Heidelberg Sees Success with Gallus Products in North America, Adds New Sales Manager
Heidelberg Sees Success with Gallus Products in North America, Adds New Sales Manager.
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Cleveland Menu Takes Synthetics Printing to Next Level with Speedmaster XL 75s from Heidelberg
Cleveland Menu Company purchased two Speedmaster XL 75s from Heidelberg, which have aided the company during the ups-and-downs of COVID-19.
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Cleveland Menu Takes Synthetics Printing to Next Level with Speedmaster XL 75s from Heidelberg
Cleveland Menu researched other press options before ultimately selecting the Heidelberg XL 75 because of its durability and flexibility. According to Cleveland Menu Owner Gerry Ramella, “I wanted to make an investment for the future.
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Interpress Technologies – Pioneering Innovative Packaging with Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 106
We had our eye on the XL 106 for its very fast makereadies thanks to Push-to-Stop and consistent 18,000 sheets per hour production. Heidelberg’s reputation for reliability and uptime were also very convincing.
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