
Speedmaster XL 162-6+L and Speedmaster XL 105-6+L. Faster, more productive, and easier to operate than any previous machines.

The perfect presses for the market of the future

“Using the results of a simulation study, we chose to make our purchasing decision on the basis of productivity,” explains Laurent Gangloff, Technical Manager of the Cartonéo Group. “A demonstration by Heidelberg and a visit to a print shop that performs several makeready processes with the press convinced us of the advantages of the XL technology immediately. And in the tests then carried out with our own data, the makeready times and print results really took our breath away! There is no question that this technology can significantly boost productivity.” The purchase was also influenced by the installation of the first Heidelberg press in the Cartonéo Group in October 2011 – a six-color Speedmaster XL 105 with coating unit and Prinect Axis Control spectrophotometric color measuring system, suitable for both conventional and UV printing. “The number of jobs printed per shift showed a boost in productivity after just two months in operation,” recalls Laurent Gangloff. “It is faster, more productive, and much easier to operate than the previous machine.”

The history of Cartonéo goes back as early as 1897, when the great-grandmother of the current managing director founded the business which became the company Bouzerot-Perrier in 1968. Following a series of acquisitions, the company was renamed Cartonéo Group in 2010. It now specializes in designing, printing, and producing packaging and advertising materials using both conventional and UV printing, and has a workforce of 110 at three production sites.

In January 2012, the Speedmaster XL 162-6+L with the Prinect Inpress Control inline color measuring system was installed and equipped for hybrid operations. “The productivity of this new press left us impressed once again. Prinect Inpress Control transfer saves us up to 10 minutes per job and makeready process. Thanks to the IntelliStart function and the automatic presettings, printers have no problems working on even very complex jobs. The machine is perfectly suited to our current market and provides better productivity and user-friendliness as well as reduced paper waste,” continues Laurent Gangloff. “Thanks to the flexibility of our Speedmaster presses and the optimization of hybrid operations, we can now build on our position within the traditional sales markets of packaging and advertising materials. We are planning to expand our packaging services with high added value and thus move into the luxury goods market.”

Cartonéo, FR


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