
Speedmaster XL 105-6+L. A record-holder in South America – the successful Brazilian print shop Leograf keeps on growing thanks to the productivity of the Speedmaster.

South America’s most productive Speedmaster

“Our Speedmaster XL 105 was heading for the record books from the outset. Installed in 2007, it was the most productive press in the whole of South America in 2009 and one of the top five worldwide,” says Leograf Managing Director Fábio Gabriel. As he sees it, the press is key in offering customers top quality in the shortest possible time. “The Speedmaster is head and shoulders above the rest in this respect,” he stresses.

Brazilian print shop Leograf was founded near Freguesia do Ó in 1999. The founding partners’ considerable experience and their investment in the latest technology quickly led to rapid growth. The new headquarters opened in Osasco in 2005 and further offices have since been added in Ribeirão Preto, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, and Porto Alegre. With some 450 employees and three-shift production, Leograf is one of South America’s top print shops. It primarily produces long-run commercial products for discerning customers for the automotive, pharmaceutical, food, sanitary products, consumer goods, telephone and financial sectors.

“We aim to offer our customers the highest possible level of service. This increasingly includes personalized products and customized solutions”, explains Fabio Gabriel.

The Speedmaster XL 105 is a vital part of the wide-ranging Heidelberg portfolio when it comes to quality, reliability, and high profitability.


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