Heidelberg maintains a special knowledge database where we capture all possible problems, and our international experts update them continuously based on experience in the field. So our knowledge is always up to date, and we can answer all your questions competently and get to the bottom of problems quickly and efficiently.
In addition to telephone support, we provide a range of internet-based services that give you instant access to our expert knowledge. The basic principle of our Remote Services is a simple one: the control software on your Heidelberg press enables us to carry out a whole raft of service functions easily over the internet. Heidelberg SystemService engineers can access your system on request, for example to provide live support, analyze log files, run diagnostics or even carry out direct fault resolution online.
We offer:
With Remote Diagnosis, you get online assistance directly on your machine in case of a problem. Once the remote connection is established via the Internet, an expert Heidelberg SystemService technician troubleshoots your Heidelberg equipment, provides a diagnosis, and makes recommendations for the repair. On many occasions, we are even able to rectify the fault remotely. Some of our customers have estimated savings of thousands of Euro on a single call.
Heidelberg SystemService provides 24/7 phone support worldwide to help you deal with difficulties and problems - so you can keep working productively. All customer questions are compiled within our state-of-the-art database, so answers can be provided quickly, without the need to repeat time-consuming analyses and tests. Even if you need help unexpectedly, you can be sure of a rapid response.