Quartz Print Shop.

Speedmaster XL 75-6+L. Only 100 sheets for a perfect press set up to start the print run.

A press that can easily replace two others

“Our new six-color Speedmaster XL 75 with Image Control easily matches the productivity of two other presses.” Production Manager Pavel Baranov is thoroughly impressed with the new acquisition that Quartz made at drupa 2012. “We were immediately won over by the capabilities of this press. With its extremely short job changeover times and top quality, it is streets ahead of others. Paper waste is reduced to just two percent, and every job is perfectly set up after just 100 sheets.”

The Russian Quartz Print Shop, which specializes in packaging printing, has been operating in Nizhny Novgorod on the challenging pharmaceuticals, food, and perfume packaging market for ten years. As well as low productivity, it was primarily the disappointing print quality from the existing equipment that led to the company switching to the high-performance Speedmaster XL 75. “Color deviations, which we used to have to deal with on a regular basis, are a thing of the past thanks to Image Control,” says Baranov. “Errors are virtually eliminated with this highly automated press. Our customers value the stable color quality.”

The average run lengths of 5,000 to 6,000 sheets with various levels of surface finishing and the seven to ten job changes per twelve-hour shift can be handled highly productively and quickly with the Speedmaster XL 75. “We printed nine million sheets in the first three months alone,” says Baranov.


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