Discover LotoTec-MRS Rollers

This technology is especially interesting for print shops that often use special colors which they want to wash off quickly and is also recommended for printing units that are subjected to frequent ink changes.

We are here to help and answer your questions!

Sealed roller surface (patented)

  • LotoTec rollers have "closed" pores in the surface.
  • Penetration of dirt particles/pigments into the surface is therefore not possible.

Rapid and easy cleaning

  • The special surface of rollers allows quick and easy cleaning using standard washing products.
  • Elimination of post-wash paste
  • Time saving due to elimination of re-washing program.

Effective dimensional stability

  • Higher chemical resistance and stability, in particular for mixed or UV & Led UV operations.
  • No swelling, do not require setting adjustments.

Very high production stability

  • Optimized color/water balance at any speed
  • Reduction of waste

We are happy to advise you. Contact us!

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