HEIDELBERG Statement on the security vulnerability of the MOVEit software


There was a security hole in the MOVEit data transfer software from the software company Progress, which was exploited by an international hacker group at HEIDELBERG and numerous other companies.

After our internal IT security system detected and reported the incident, we immediately updated the systems with the security update provided by Progress and started several manual, comprehensive, and thorough data analyses. These led to the realization late Thursday, June 15, that files had been stolen.

HEIDELBERG immediately called in external experts, informed the relevant authorities and will also file a criminal complaint. The MOVEit system is offline company-wide and more in-depth careful data analysis processes are still underway.

HEIDELBERG quickly contacted customers and employees to clarify the situation and find solutions together and continues to maintain a close exchange with them.

Further information
Important note

Florian Pitzinger
Head of Group Communications Tel.: +49 (0)151 679 68774

HEIDELBERG Statement on the security vulnerability of the MOVEit software


There was a security hole in the MOVEit data transfer software from the software company Progress, which was exploited by an international hacker group at HEIDELBERG and numerous other companies.

After our internal IT security system detected and reported the incident, we immediately updated the systems with the security update provided by Progress and started several manual, comprehensive, and thorough data analyses. These led to the realization late Thursday, June 15, that files had been stolen.

HEIDELBERG immediately called in external experts, informed the relevant authorities and will also file a criminal complaint. The MOVEit system is offline company-wide and more in-depth careful data analysis processes are still underway.

HEIDELBERG quickly contacted customers and employees to clarify the situation and find solutions together and continues to maintain a close exchange with them.

Further information

Image material, and further information about the company are available in the Investor Relations and Press Lounge of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG at www.heidelberg.com.

HEIDELBERG IR also on Twitter:
Link to the IR Twitter channel: https://twitter.com/Heidelberg_IR
On Twitter under the name: @Heidelberg_IR

Important note

This press release contains forward-looking statements based on assumptions and estimations by the Management Board of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft. Even though the Management Board is of the opinion that those assumptions and estimations are realistic, the actual future development and results may deviate substantially from these forward-looking statements due to various factors, such as changes in the macroeconomic situation, in the exchange rates, in the interest rates, and in the print media industry. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft gives no warranty and does not assume liability for any damages in case the future development and the projected results do not correspond with the forward-looking statements contained in this press release.


Florian Pitzinger

Head of Group Communications

Tel.: +49 (0)151 679 68774

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