Let’s work as smartly and efficiently as possible

As a leading brand in the printing industry, we have a large network of experts in any area of expertise. In this section, you’ll find information about practical tools to optimize your business efficiency as well as some hints to counteract the persisting and growing lack of skilled workers. We will provide you with hands-on tips and solutions regarding knowledge management and transfer, creating flexible work processes and environments, and digital processes that can improve your overall workflow.

Whatever it is our experts can help you with – find it here!

Expert insights:

“How digitalization counters the lack of skilled workers”

For years the number of people training to become a part of the printing industry has been dwindling. The continuous innovation in digitizing and automizing the offset printing process is palpable and important, countering the lack of skilled workers and making print shops more efficient. But how do we counter the loss of knowledge and experience? How do we ensure that knowledge is transferred and passed on?

Discover the tools and strategies we can offer you and your print shop throughout the entire process of digitalization to support your operators and guide them through the correct digital and knowledge maintenance processes.

How can we help you?

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Your key to digital transformation

HEIDELBERG Customer Portal

With our digital tools and services, we are pioneers in the digitalization of print shops around the world. Our HEIDELBERG Customer Portal combines all digital offerings in a powerful cloud portal.

It also gives you access to all our online services, such as the eShop, the Service and Maintenance Manager, online training, our latest data and analysis tool Print Shop Analytics, our intelligent, AI-based analytics software PAT and, of course, the entire Prinect workflow.

HEIDELBERG Customer Portal – one cloud portal, endless possibilities.

How can we help you?

Contact us.

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